Welcome to TC Command Support ( Previously World Point One )



 EMS Solutions Inc. has released the new updated Roster Tool Software. It is available for purchase and immediate download through http://www.emssolutions.org/.

Effective September 1st, 2011, WorldPoint is transitioning the sale and support of WorldPoint One Software to EMS Solutions>>> More


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TC Command is an innovative data-tracking and management software program specifically designed for AHA Training Centers.
Developed by a certified AHA instructor, TC Command addresses all your specific tasks, with a module for each area: from easy course card printing, registration, and inventory-- to creating AHA reports and student/staff correspondence in minutes. TC Command helps you streamline these tasks, giving you more time to manage and market your Training Center.

Its easy to learn and easy to use.

TC Command is available in either a stand alone, Network edition or
Server edition.  Already popular throughout the Training Network, you'll
wonder how you managed without it!

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